The Jetpactcher Technology

Jetpatcher system has a proven track record and has been used by Local Government, National Highway Authorities and contractors for over 40 years in more than fifteen countries around the world.

Due to the speed and versatility of the machinery the process has proved a cost effective solution in every environment, meaning local authorities and municipalities have increased the number of repairs they can carry out using limited budgets. It takes approximately 5-10 minutes to fix the average size pothole using Jetpatcher, newly repaired area can open to traffic right away.


how it Works - 4 Steps Jetpatcher Process

Step 1: Clean

Using the high volume blower through the delivery hose, the Jetpatcher easily blows all loose debris and even water from the pothole; cleaning it, and preparing the pothole for an effective long lasting patch. 

Step 2: Prepare

The Jetpatcher now coats the pothole base and surrounding area with a specific formulated bitumen emulsion which seals the pothole base and prevents further damage from occurring, due to water penetration. 

Step 3: Fill

As the aggregate passes through the nozzle it is coated with specific formulated emulsion and sprayed into the pothole or broken road edge. The Jetpatcher asphalt mix is sprayed at speeds of up to 100kph, compaction from the bottom up is achieved giving a result which is denser than rolled asphalt. 

Step 4: Seal

After compacting, the pothole again is sealed with the specific formulated bitumen emulsion and light layer of dry crusher dust aggregate or sand is applied to the repair area, preventing the newly fixed area from adhering to car tires. 

Why Choose Jetpatcher?

Typical applications for Jetpatcher are:


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