EVMSep Oil/Water Separator
We have successfully developed and marketed EVMSep oil water separator after years of research & development works. ENVSep oil water separator system solved many problems which many existing oil water separator had, and further improve treatment efficiency. It is one of the most technically-advance oil water separator systems that currently available in the market
EVMSep oil/water separator system is design to remove oil from contaminated effluent discharge to comply with the most stringent requirement. The EVMSep oil/water separator coalescing plate pack maximizes surface area, increasing performance and effluent quality. It is typically sized to remove oil droplets as small as 60 microns, and achieve an effluent concentration of 10 mg/L or less depending on the design requirement. They are suitable for installation in new and existing under ground concrete vault with retro fit module. SIRIMTested

- Superior performance is assured through the employment of EVM coalescing plate pack system
- Fitted with automatic oil water differential detection system
- Oil removal : belt or floating oil skimmer
- Easy installation • Minimum maintenance
- Simple and effective method to separate oil and water
- Precast concrete structure ensure durability
- Choice of stainless steel construction tank equip with feed pump for above ground application
- SIRIM tested. Test results show 99.99% removal of Oil & Grease.
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